

Computer Short Keys

-Basic Short Key's For Word, Excel, Power Point

-Cut/Copy/Pest a file/Folder/Document/image/Video Etc... 

CTRL + A . . . . . . Select All

CTRL + C . . . . . . Copy

CTRL + X . . . . . . Cut

CTRL + V . . . . . . Paste

CTRL + Z . . . . . . Undo

CTRL + B . . . . . . Bold

CTRL + U . . . . . . Underline

CTRL + I . . . . . . Italic

Function key

F1....For Help

F2 .....Rename a Document/file/folder/image  (Rename selected object)

F3 . .  Find all files

F4 . .  Opens file list drop-down in dialogs

F5 . . . Refresh current Teb in Browser / window

F6 . . . Shifts focus in Windows Explorer

F10 . . Activates menu bar options

Key Control +

Ctrl + A -----Select all contents of the page

Ctrl + B ----Bold highlighted selection

Ctrl + C---- Copy selected text

Ctrl + I---- Italicize highlighted selection

Ctrl + X---- Cut selected text

Ctrl + P ----Open print dialog box

Ctrl + K---- Complete name/email typed in address bar

Ctrl + U---- Underline highlighted selection

Ctrl + R---- Reply to an email

Ctrl + F----- Forward an email

Ctrl + N ----Create a new email

Ctrl + Shift + A--- Create a new appointment to your calendar

Ctrl + Shift + O---- Open the outbox

Ctrl + Shift + I -----Open the inbox

Ctrl + Shift + K---- Add a new task

Ctrl + Shift + C ----Create a new contact

Ctrl + Shift+ J -----Create a new journal entry


Ctrl + B------Bold highlighted selection

Ctrl + C ----Copy selected text

Ctrl + X -----Cut selected text

Ctrl + N -----Open new/blank document

Ctrl + O -----Open options

Ctrl + P----- Open the print window

Ctrl + F -----Open find box

Ctrl + I -----Italicize highlighted selection

Ctrl + K -----Insert link 

Ctrl + U -----Underline highlighted selection

Ctrl + V ----Paste

Ctrl + Y ----Redo the last action performed

Ctrl + Z ----Undo last action

Ctrl + G ----Find and replace options

Ctrl + H ----Find and replace options

Ctrl + J ----Justify paragraph/text alignment

Ctrl + L ----Align selected paragraph/text or line to the left

Ctrl + Q ----Align selected paragraph/text to the left

Ctrl + E---- Align selected paragraph/text

Computer Lock key's

1. ctrl + alt + del + Enter 

2. Win + L

to lock your Administrator Account

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