how to use dbms in android device
hello everyone, in this article i share a trick for android user how can use DBMS(Data Base Management System) / SQL in mobile phone.
- Sql query in mobile phone
- easy to create database in mobile phone.
- easy to create table in a database
- run any query as you want
Human is so much habituate of using various types of technologies and devices. Generally we create database in computer/laptop but now we create dbms using termux app in our android device it's very easy to use and create database management using sql query.
***how to setup Sql in Termux App***
1. install Termux app using this link Termux >_
Now open Termux app and Run this Code- step by step
(Please forget - sign)
-pkg install mariadb;
(you want to install mariadb)Click "y"
-cd ..
-cd usr
-cd etc
-ls my.cnf.d;
-mkdir my.cnf.d;
-mysqld_safe -u root;
Now Press CTRL + Z
After successful setup Use this steps for open mariadb Shall-mysqld_safe -u root;
Now Press CTRL + Z