



In this article I have to share knowledge of most important & mostly useable input device in a step by step procedure with everyone. Let’s start with the information about that device.


Ø It is invented by Christopher Latham Sholes in 1868.

Ø It is one of the main input device through which a user is capable to provide input to the computer.

Ø A normal keyboard has 105-108 keys in it.

Ø There are 12 Function keys in a keyboard.

Ø The work phenomenon of a keyboard is completely based on a typewriter.

Now we will discuss about all the keys which are on a keyboard step by step.

(1.)        Alpha Numeric Keys: - The keys coming into this are combined form of alphabets & numbers. Total alphabet keys are 26 (A- Z) & total numeric keys are 10 (0-9). They are in the right side of the keyboard.

(2.)       ESC Key: - This key is located on the top left side of the keyboard. The main work of this key is to close all the open programs, documents while working on the computer.

(3.)       Numeric Keys: - They are located on the right side of the keyboard. Total numeric keys are 10 (0-9) & +, -,*, / keys are also located with numeric keys.

(4.)       Cursor Control Keys: - These keys are in the design of arrows. By the help of these keys the cursor should be able to move Left, Right, Top, & Bottom of the page directly. These keys are also helpful in directly moving the cursor to various positions of the current page e.g. (Page Up, End, Page Down, & Home).

(5.)       Function Keys: - There are total 12 function keys on a keyboard. The work of these function keys are given below in a step by step manner.

·       F1- This key gives the option of help to the user in the currently running program.

·       F2- By the help of this key user is able to rename any file or folder.

·       F3- It is used for searching any file, folder in the computer.

·       F4- By using this with the Alt Key any open file should be closed.

·       F5- It is used to refresh the monitor screen.

·       F6- The menu bar should be automatically activated in an ms- word file by pressing this key continuously two times.

·       F7- This key is used to remove spelling & grammar mistakes in the file.

·       F8- This key is used for boot option whiles the loading procedure of windows on the computer.

·       F9- It is also used as same as F8 key works.

·       F10- By pressing this key along with the shift key this key works as right click.

·       F11- By this key browser screen should be in its full form.

·       F12- This key gives the option of save as in a word file.

(6.)          Special Purpose Keys:-

·      Backspace- This key removes the words & alphabets which are written on the left side of the cursor.

·       Space Bar- To give space between two words.

·       Window- To open the start menu.

·      Caps Lock- By pressing this key all the alphabets are written in capital form.

·     Shift- By pressing this key along with any alphabet than the alphabet always written in capital format. A key on which two signs are drawn when such keys are type along with Shift key than below sign should be mentioned in the file.

·      Delete- This key is used to remove the alphabet or word given on the right side of the page with the help of cursor.

·      Control (CTRL)- By pressing this key along with the ‘S’ alphabet the file should provides save option to the user.

·      Enter- This key is used to change the movement of the cursor directly to the next line.

·      Insert- This key is used to insert anything in the file such as image, clip art, tables, special symbols etc.

·      Tab- By pressing this key the cursor position should be changed in a certain manner.

·       Scroll Lock- This key is used to stop the feature of forward and backward option of the cursor in the current file or document.

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